Home What We Do Provide Funding

As a funder, we support programs that strengthen our community.


Our grants support innovation, sustainability, and capacity-building at nonprofit organizations improving the quality of life in our community. Through a wide range of grant programs, we’re investing in Linn County’s future.

Investments in Community Initiatives

We strive to support a vibrant community by providing leadership through philanthropy. By investing in collaborative approaches to complex issues, we act as a catalyst for change.

Scholarhip Metro High School

Scholarships and Funding for Education

For donors who want to support education, we’re here to help you support today’s students and tomorrow’s leaders. If your passion is education, we have several giving options to explore.

Nonprofit Giving Center

We help connect donors to community needs and opportunities. Donors can search for needs by topic and give to a fund at the Community Foundation or directly to a nonprofit they wish to support.

Nonprofit Funds & Services

We help nonprofits build endowment funds to ensure the long-term sustainability of their organizations.

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Visit the Nonprofit Giving Center and the Nonprofit Calendar to search for a nonprofit fund, organization, cause, or event to support.