Home Teachers & Students Scholarships Application FAQ’s

Does it matter which college I’m planning to attend in applying for a scholarship?

All Community Foundation scholarships require that the student recipient will be attending a fully accredited nonprofit or public college or university.

Can I receive a scholarship while attending college part-time?

All Community Foundation scholarships require that the student recipient is a full-time student.

If I am awarded a scholarship, how long will I receive funding?

Most scholarships are for one academic year. The total amount for the year is sent to the college/university in the student’s name in late July after the student has returned their completed scholarship agreement to the Community Foundation. If the award amount is more than $1,000, the college/university is asked to split the total amount between the fall and spring semesters equally. In most cases, scholarship funding is for one year.

My scholarship is renewable – what do I need to do to get the next year’s scholarship payment?

If you received a renewable scholarship, you will receive a reminder letter in May asking you to submit a progress report and copy of your current transcript to the Community Foundation for the next year’s payment.

When are scholarship awards made?

For the majority of scholarships, recipient selection is completed by late May.  Recipients selected will receive notification via mail once selections are complete.

May I defer my scholarship award?

Most scholarship awards must be paid by December 31 of the year awarded.

Who selects scholarship recipients?

Scholarships are awarded by a committee of community members, including educators and other professionals. The committees meet in April to make recommendations based on scholarship criteria.

How is financial need determined?

Within the application, you have the opportunity to explain your circumstances of financial need and your plan for paying for college expenses. But most importantly, completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form is required for scholarships based on financial need. After you complete your FAFSA, you will receive a Student Aid Report containing the Student Aid Index (SAI). A copy of that one-page document is required in your completed application(s) for scholarships that include financial need in the criteria.

Are transcripts and letters of reference needed?

Yes, if you are submitting an online application directly to the Community Foundation.  If you are currently in high school or have recently graduated from high school, you must provide a copy of your official high school transcript. You must also submit one academic and one non-academic letter of reference. An academic letter of reference is from a teacher, counselor, administrator, or other school staff. A non-academic letter of reference is from an employer, volunteer supervisor, or other person who knows you outside of the school setting. If you are applying for a Community Foundation scholarship at your high school, there is no need to include your transcript or letters of reference.

To be considered for more than one scholarship, do I need to fill out multiple applications?

If you are applying for one or more of the scholarships directly to the Community Foundation using the online application, you will use that one application for all.  If you are applying for a Community Foundation scholarship through your high school’s Guidance Office, you may need to complete more than one application depending on which scholarship(s) you are applying for.

Questions? We’re Here to Help.

Photo of Sanjana Raghavan

Sanjana Raghavan, MHA
Program Officer


Photo of Bernadette Gladish

Bernadette Gladish
Grants and Programs Manager


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