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Nonprofit Investment Advisory Council

The Nonprofit Investment Advisory Council provides a nonprofit perspective and recommendations to the Investment Committee.  Members of the Council are nonprofit fund holders with >$1 million in endowment assets, and rotating representation from the remaining nonprofit fund holders to ensure small, medium and large asset sizes are represented. Member nonprofits may have two representatives each. The advisory council meets quarterly with the Community Foundation’s investment consultant.

2025 Nonprofit Investment Advisory Council

Chris Casey, Chair
Community Foundation Investment Committee Chair

Arc of East Central Iowa
Dale Rettenmeier

Brody Suddendorf

Cedar Rapids Public Library Foundation
Charity Tyler
Derek Johansen

Four Oaks
Mary Beth O’Neill
Alison Brumm

Goodwill of the Heartland
Tammi Erb
Todd Helle

History Center
Rick Fry
Kris Gulick

Indian Creek Nature Center
John Myers
Scott Overland

Orchestra Iowa Foundation
Dick Minette
Brian Engler

St. Luke’s Foundation
Mary Klinger
Tonya Arnold

Theatre Cedar Rapids
Pat Deignan
Murphy McGrath

Mike Weaverling

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